Happy New Year! I hope your 2023 is off to a great start!
Doug Bennett, Fallon Cryer, and Troy Sandidge helped me ring in 2023 on Monday’s #GoalChatLive. I’ve been celebrating since #DEBcember. I am all about giving people a running start into the new year.
Last month, I hosted wonderful #Start2023Now conversations, including one on Vision with Erin Baker, Bernie Borges, and Jess Dewell and another on Mission & Motto with Michele Heyward and Erin Longmoon.
How are you doing? Do you have your mission, motto, and vision set? Have you written out your 2023 goals?
Coming Up on The DEB Show
- January 9: Professional Goals with Allen Klein, Marcia Macomber, and Christy Watz,
- January 16: Personal Goals with Lisa Sakai, Jen (Waak) Santos, and Bri Seeley
- January 23: Speaking Goals with Bobbie Carlton, John Chen, and Robbie Samuels,
#GoalChatLive airs on Mondays at 4pm PT; new podcast episodes are released on Thursdays.
Read all the recaps and listen to the podcast. You can subscribe to The DEB Show on Apple, Amazon Music, or your favorite podcast platform.
Resource: 23 Tips to Start 2023 Now
Throughout #DEBcember, I shared 23 Tips to #Start2023Now. Read them all at-a-glance and get the infographic.
Goal of the Week
Schedule downtime. Returning to your routine after a break is a big deal. Be sure to take time to chill out and recharge.
Upcoming Events
January 7 – 9: Sherry Prindle‘s Star Marketing Summit. I’ll be helping to kick it off with a Goal Strategy P.E.P. Talk on January 7 at 2pm PT. Get details and register.
January 18: How to Make 2023 Your Best Year Ever! Goal-Setting Simplified Workshop at 5pm PT. Register on Eventbrite. Use code Newsletter for 20% off.
January 24: Pre-Event Planning Workshop – aka P.E.P. Talk – at 1pm PT. Discover how to turn the time and money you spend at conferences into new connections and skills to grow your business. Register on Eventbrite. Use code Newsletter for 20% off.