Authenticity is all about embracing who you truly are. Being able to show up in that way everywhere – at events, in person, online – is a huge advantage.
This week on #GoalChatLive, I had a wonderful conversation about Authenticity with storytelling and speaking coach Ron Ben-Joseph; Chief Evangelist of BombBomb Ethan Beute; and Social Media Manager at StreamYard Julie Riley. Ron, Ethan, and Julie shared their thoughts on what authenticity is, how to tap into it, and more.
Success is our November theme. Join us for conversations on endurance, self-care, and gratitude. We go live at 4pm PT on Mondays; new podcast epsiodes are released on Thursdays.
Read all the recaps and listen to the podcast. You can subscribe to The DEB Show on Apple, Amazon Music, or your favorite podcast platform.
Goal of the Week: Take a Self-Inventory
Reflect on who you are, what you do, and what you have achieved. Write it down. Then, start thinking about what’s next … and get ready to take 2023 by storm!
It’s Goal Season
Do you lead an organization, business, or book club? Are you looking to bring in a fun, motivating speaker? Please reach out. Would love to talk to your group about goal-setting simplified, pre-event planning, or keeping your employees engaged and productive.
If you want to experience the magic yourself …
Upcoming Workshops
November 16: Post-Event Planning Workshop at 2pm PT. Stop putting all your notes and business cards from conferences in a drawer, never to be seen again. Create a game-changing post-conference plan that will help you grow your business. Register on Eventbrite.
December 1: Pre-Event Prep Workshop at 11am PT. Whether you are attending in-person or online events, discover how to turn the time and money you spend into new connections and skills to benefit your business. Register on Eventbrite.
December 13: How to Make 2023 Your Best Year Ever! Goal-Setting Simplified Workshop at 2pm PT. Register on Eventbrite.
Use code Newsletter for 20% off any workshop.