Everyone writes, whether in their personal or professional life. But is everyone a writer? Kristin and Joan share their thoughts on this, their backstories, snippets of their writer-life, and more.
Being a Writer vs Writing
- Kristin: Writing is a combination of skill and talent. A writer infuses creativity and artistry into the simplest of tasks. Even writing non-fiction can be creative writing
- Joan: Novels are world-building; non-fiction is sharing what you know, research, etc. Writers need to have the stamina to tell complete stories in long form
What’s the First Step for Writing Longer Works
- Joan: Ask yourself, does this idea really have legs? Then set about working through it, whether you are a plotter, a pantser, or somewhere in between
- Kristin: Have someone who believes in you … even if that’s you! Then, start writing a page or a certain number of words at a time. Commit!
Writing Books #GoalChatLive
Also, check out the full GoalChatLive conversation in the Twitter Moments Recap.
Goals from our Guests
- Joan: Write down 5 places where your work might be published and then submit to them. Start toning your submission muscle.
- Kristin: Start writing that idea! Start somewhere!
- Bonus: Consolidate your sticky notes and scraps of paper. Keep an idea journal or cloud document
Final Thoughts
- Kristin: Take it a day at a time. Be patient
- Joan: If you really believe in a project, stick with it and be flexible
- Learn more about Kristin Marguerite Doidge and Joan Gelfand
- Read Kristin Marguerite Doidge’s Nora Ephron: A Biography and Joan Gelfand’s You Can Be a Winning Writer
- Connect with Kristin Marguerite Doidge and Joan Gelfand on LinkedIn
- Join the Write On Online Facebook group for community and conversation
- Learn more about Goals with DEB and Deb’s Goal Strategy for Event Attendees
- Get your copy of my latest book, Your Goal Guide: A Roadmap for Setting, Planning and Achieving Your Goals. Then join the Your Goal Guide Facebook group.
What does winning mean to you? Please share in the comments.
Next Week
Next week, we are sharing August wins and September goals. Join the Twitter chat on Sunday, September 4, at 7pm PT on Twitter. No live #GoalChatLive on September 5.
On Sunday, September 11, the topic is Decisions, Decisions. Then, on Monday, August 29, at 4pm PT, my #GoalChatLive guests are Fallon Cryer, Lisa Danforth, and Jack Griffin..
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For more inspiration, motivation, and tips, follow @TheDEBMethod on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. And connect on LinkedIn.