Joy was the focus on this week’s #GoalChats. My #GoalChatLive guest – fellow Mango author Sherry Richert Belul, Say it Now – and I agree that Joy is a choice. On Sunday’s #GoalChat we had a very warm and active conversation about joy. It’s something everyone needs, especially now. That awareness of what brings you joy, as well as what self-care systems bring you back to your happy place, is essential.
For Sherry joy is connection and creativity. It’s giving to others and giving to yourself. Want to spread joy around? Make a “love list,” Sherry says. Write a list not just of the people you love, but why you love them. Tell them. Send a message, a video. And if you can include something that sparks a memory, such as a favorite song in the background of your message, that’s even better.
Whereas Sherry uses a practice of recording and listening to keep joy top-of-mind, joy tends to my default mode. I believe everyone should be happy in some, if not all, of their life. If your work does not bring you joy, then find something – such as a hobby or side hustle – that does. Let that happiness leak over into the more stressful parts of your life … and make them better.
Watch #GoalChatLive on Joy
Read the Twitter Moments Recap.
Bonus Goals: Joy
Do something first thing in the morning that brings you joy. Then, see how that impacts – improves – the rest of your day. Let us know how it goes!
Check out Sherry’s Bubble Flash Mob video
- Your Goal Guide: A Roadmap for Setting, Planning and Achieving Your Goals
- Join the Write On Online Facebook group for community and conversation.
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What brings you joy? Do you have advice on how to bring more joy into your life? Please share in the comments or on the video.
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Next Week
On next week’s #GoalChat we will be talking about Creativity. Join the Twitter chat on Sunday, October 25, at 7pm PT on Twitter. Then, on Monday, October 19, at 2pm PT, I will be joined by art historical novelist Stephanie Storey. (Note the earlier time.)