Bobbie, John, and Robbie share their love of virtual meetings, networking, engagement, and more. Plus, they share tons of tips for hosting, as well as attending, events online.
Why They Love Virtual Meetings
- Bobbie: They are more user-friendly, especially for women
- John: The world finally caught up with what he’s been doing for years
- Robbie: In-person events have constraints, we get to use virtual to reimagine what events can be
Engaging During Virtual Meetings
Volunteering is a great way to get involved when attending events in person. But what is the virtual equivalent?
- John: Start or keep the conversation going through the chat; ask questions
- Bobbie: Be a volunteer scribe. When someone says something interesting, type it in the chat
- Robbie: When a resource is mentioned, find the link and paste it in the chat
Virtual Meetings #GoalChatLive
Also, check out this week’s #GoalChat conversation in the Twitter Moments Recap.
Tips for Being Awesome at Virtual Meetings
- Robbie: Turn on your camera, don’t be backlit. Be an engaged audience. Chat, comment, follow directions
- Bobbie: Be aware … of your surroundings, the amount of time you spend speaking
- John: When hosting, don’t wait for everyone to arrive to start. Reward those who show up early/on time
Goals from our Guests
- Robbie: Meeting hosts, figure out your Zoom settings. Get Robbie’s checklist in the link below
- Bobbie: Get comfortable with public speaking. If you are in the audience, take a step for getting comfortable: ask a question
- John: Read the first three chapters of his book (link below). Also, engage in the way that works for you! Do something different. Be 1% better each time you attend a virtual meeting
- Learn more about Bobbie Carlton and Innovation Women, and sign up for the Innovation Women Newsletter
- Check out John Chen, get the first three chapters of John’s book, and find a time to meet John
- Get Robbie Samuels’ Zoom Settings Checklist and join his monthly Friday Zoom meetup
- Connect with Bobbie Carlton, John Chen, and Robbie Samuels on LinkedIn
- Watch Deb’s TEDx on The Magic of Your Motto
- Learn more about Goals with DEB and Deb’s Goal Strategy for Event Attendees
- Get your copy of my latest book, Your Goal Guide: A Roadmap for Setting, Planning and Achieving Your Goals. Then join the Your Goal Guide Facebook group.
What’s your best tip for hosting – or attending – virtual meetings? Please share in the comments.
Next Week
On the next #GoalChat, we are sharing October wins and November Goals. Join the Twitter chat on Sunday, October 30, at 7pm PT on Twitter. No live $GoalChatLive on October 31. Happy Halloween!
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For more inspiration, motivation, and tips, follow @TheDEBMethod on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. And connect on LinkedIn.