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Speaking, Analogies & Props with Bobbie Carlton, John Chen & Shelley Goldstein

Whether you are speaking in person, online, hybrid, or a mixture, you want to be as on your speaking game as possible. Analogies and props are great ways to stand out when speaking, which I discussed with Bobbie Carlton, Innovation Women; John Chen, Engaging Virtual Meetings; and Shelley Goldstein, Remarkable Speaking on this week’s GoalChat.

Bobbie, John, and Shelley shared some of their speaking experiences – good and bad – along with tips and goals for captivating the audience on any live or virtual stage. They also talked about their least favorite buzz words, sheep, goats, and more.

How to Stand Out When Speaking

  • Shelley: Share your story and use that to connect with the audience
  • Bobbie: Performance and content
  • John: Tech and tech – technology and technique


  • Bobbie: An analogy is when you compare two things, the more unique and creative the better
  • Shelley: For an analogy to be effective, it has to have meaning for you
  • John: Never assume your audience knows what you are talking about; be specific. And if you are using a known analogy, be sure to change the ending
  • Bobbie: Do not tell someone else’s story

Speaking, Analogies & Props #GoalChatLive


  • Bobbie: Try giving a presentation you’ve given before a lot and make it fresh by saying things differently; and if you can add an analogy, even better
  • John: Make people do something, like an interactive activity; it’ll help keep them invested and engaged
  • Shelley: Change up your speeches, get rid of the jargon (or create your own jargon), and be yourself only more so

Final Thoughts

  • Shelley: Captivate your audiences by being very different
  • John: Disrupt, engage, keep people interested
  • Bobbie: Try something new. Take that presentation that might be a little bit boring and pump it up, bring it up to the next level; you will enjoy yourself even more than your audience will


How do you use analogies and props when speaking? Please share in the comments.

Next Week

Next week, we are talking about cooking and food with Katie Chen, Amy Jurist, and Beth Lee. Join us on Monday, June 17, at 4pm PT, for #GoalChatLive.

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For more inspiration, motivation, and tips, follow @TheDEBMethod on YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram. And connect on LinkedIn.

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