Podcasting is a gateway to conversations, relationship development, and information. On this week’s GoalChat, I discussed podcasting with Erik Fisher and Jürgen Strauss. Erik hosts Beyond the To Do List and Jürgen hosts the InovaBuzz podcast. We talked about the value and benefits of podcasting, ways to make podcasting easier, tools and apps, and more.
Reasons They Love Podcasting
- Erik: The community aspect: Being able to have access to and form meaningful connections, and in some cases meet listeners in person; listening and enjoying content others create through their podcasts
- Jürgen: Access to top experts and potentially getting free resources; being able to learn from the best and share their wisdom; also the potential to grow your network
Podcast Promotion
- Erik: Choose guests who will share their episodes; then make it easy for those guests to share: tag them in posts, give them the assets to repurpose – with a request for them to tag you when they share
- Jürgen: Send out materials after the show goes up: write posts, slide deck, audiogram; also ask questions in social media posts and respond to comments
Podcasting #GoalChatLive
- Erik: Listeners, leave a review of a podcast and send a note thanking them for their show
- Jürgen: After you’ve been on or hosted a show, ask for feedback from your guest/host
- Deb: Make a list: If you want to host, what’s stopping you? If you do host, what’s one thing you can do to enhance what you are already doing?
- Bonus Goal: Pitch yourself as a podcast guest
Final Thoughts
- Jürgen: If you are interested in podcasting, give it a go. Remember to focus on sharing value
- Erik: If you enjoyed this, check out my conversation with Deb on Beyond the ToDo List
- Learn more about Erik Fisher and Jürgen Strauss
- Connect with Erik Fisher and Jürgen Strauss on LinkedIn
- Check out Deb’s interview on Erik’s Beyond the ToDo List podcast
- Join the Taste Buds with Deb and Write On Online Facebook Groups
- Learn more about Book Proposal Writing with DEB
- Get your copy of Your Goal Guide: A Roadmap for Setting, Planning and Achieving Your Goals. Then join the Your Goal Guide Facebook group
- Order 52 Secrets for Goal-Setting and Goal-Getting
- RSVP for Deb’s GoalChat Online Mixer on March 19
Why do you love podcasting? Please share in the comments.
Next Week
On Monday, March 17, we are talking about Empowerment with Joanne Dutra and Karen Wang Diggs. Join us at 4pm PT, for #GoalChatLive.
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For more inspiration, motivation, and tips, follow @TheDEBMethod on YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram. And connect on LinkedIn.