On this week’s GoalChat, Liz Heiman, Dave Sanderson, and Brynne Tillman joined me to talk about Networking. Liz is CEO and chief sales strategist, Regarding Sales; Dave is a speaker, #MiracleOnTheHudson survivor, and publisher of “Moments Matter” magazine; Brynne is CEO of Social Sales Link and host of the Making Sales Social podcast. The panel talked about strategies for IRL and online networking, introvert versus extrovert networking, and more.
For 52 Secrets for Goal-Setting and Goal-Getting, I interviewed leaders, speakers, consultants, entertainers, and changemakers. Everyone in the book is a friend, friend of a friend, someone I previously interviewed, or all of the above. Brynne introduced me to Liz and also to Larry Levine, who introduced me to Dave. They all have secrets featured in 52 Secrets.
How to Make Networking Work
- Brynne: Develop relationships by establishing credibility and offering value. Ask happy clients for referrals and introductions.
- Dave: When you do introductions between two connections, put thought into it. Include the reason for the intro and share their LinkedIn profile links, so they can learn more about each other
- Liz: Make things easy: go where the people you need to meet are and be strategic in making connections
- Liz: If IRL networking is hard for you, get a buddy. Also, ask your extroverted friends for tips
Networking Pet Peeves
- Brynne: When people cold call, cold email, or cold-message you and ask to jump on a call. They have not yet earned the right to take your time
Liz: At IRL events where people are trying to sell rather than trying to meet people - Dave: When the people LinkedIn says “need to meet you” try to connect
Networking #GoalChatLive
- Brynne: Go through your lists of people – and business cards – and connect with them on LinkedIn. Liz suggests, “I can’t believe we are not connected,” can be the first email
- Liz: Make one list of who you want to meet – types/titles/names – and another of where they would be, so you can meet them
- Dave: Make your list of Top 20 – people you want to reach out to once a month – and Farm 40 – people you check in with once a quarter. Then, do the outreach; they can be calls, messages, or emails
Final Thoughts
- Dave: Find your whos for your hows (this is Dave’s tip in 52 Secrets)
- Liz: Just do it, even if you are uncomfortable. If you don’t say, “Hello,” you do not know who you are missing
- Brynne: Find your next best friend, because that’s what’s networking can do for you
- Note: Liz and Brynne originally met at a conference years ago and now are BFFs
- Learn more about Liz Heiman, Dave Sanderson , and Brynne Tillman
- Connect with Liz Heiman, Dave Sanderson, and Brynne Tillman on LinkedIn
- Join the Taste Buds with Deb and Write On Online Facebook Groups
- Learn more about Book Proposal Writing with DEB
- Get your copy of Your Goal Guide: A Roadmap for Setting, Planning and Achieving Your Goals. Then join the Your Goal Guide Facebook group
- Order 52 Secrets for Goal-Setting and Goal-Getting
What’s your best networking tip? Please share in the comments.
Next Week
On Monday, February 17, we are talking about Focus with Jeff Goldberg, Christine Toy Johnson, and Troy Sandidge. Join us at 4pm PT, for #GoalChatLive.
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For more inspiration, motivation, and tips, follow @TheDEBMethod on YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram. And connect on LinkedIn.