This week, on GoalChat we discussed Identity with Jeni Jonte, Bring On Possible; screenwriter and author Angela Page, and author and storyteller Yuliya Patsay, Until the Last Pickle. Jeni, Angela, and Yuliya gave their takes on identity, how they identify, dealing with an identity crisis, and more.
As we prep for 2025, embracing or reconfiguring our identity will help us align who we are with our goals for the new year! Happy DEBcember!
What is Identity?
- Yuliya: A fluid concept that can change from case to case; it’s a choice and something you can claim
- Jeni: How you see yourself
- Angela: Is linked to reinventing yourself
How to Embrace and Enhance Identity
- Jeni: Spend time with yourself, and reflect on the things you really care about
- Angela: Make peace with who you are and where you came from; find the advantages and process/get rid of/move on from the conflicts
- Yuliya: Explore possibilities and paths that you were not exposed to; look for alternatives
Identity #GoalChatLive
- Jeni: Write out a self-image script: “I am…” whatever it is you want to be. Then read it out loud every day
- Angela: Identify which of your traits came from your family, good and bad; embrace them
- Yuliya: Our voice is a truth telling instrument. Pay attention to your voice. See how you feel when you are in your authentic voice; what activities bring it out of you
Final Thoughts
- Yuliya: Fake it til you make it
- Angela: Go for it
- Jeni: You can never out-perform your self image, make sure it’s aligned with who you are and what you believe
- Learn more about Jeni Jonte, Angela Page, and Yuliya Patsay
- Connect with Jeni Jonte, Angela Page, and Yuliya Patsay on LinkedIn
- Learn more about Women’s National Book Association – San Francisco Chapter
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- Learn more about Book Writing Goals with DEB
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- Pre-order 52 Secrets for Goal-Setting and Goal-Getting
What is your identity? Please share in the comments.
Next Week
We talking about persona with Bobbie Carlton, Nina Fountain, and Cheryl Tan. Join us on Monday, December 16, at 4pm PT, for #GoalChatLive.
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For more inspiration, motivation, and tips, follow @TheDEBMethod on YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram. And connect on LinkedIn.