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Happy Mid Year 2024 with Joey Held, Dorien Morin-van Dam & Jamie Pachino

Happy Mid Year 2024! On this week’s GoalChat, Joey Held, Dorien Morin-van Dam, and Jamie Pachino joined me to celebrate the mid-point of 2024! Joey is a writer and voiceover artist, Dorien is a social media strategist, and Jamie is a screenwriter and playwright. The trio shared their personal and professional wins from the first part of the year, as well as their goals for 2024, part 2!

Joey, Dorien, and Jamie also talked about some of their challenges and projects, along with the things that keep them joyful and balanced outside of work. It was a fun conversation, filled with inspiration, motivation, and solid advice.

Happy Mid Year 2024 GoalChat

Goal Recommendations

  • Dorien: Reconnect with nature. There’s nothing like disconnecting from devices and enjoying the things around you
  • Joey: Try the Bowflex 5-minute stretch and the Just Dance video
  • Jamie: Seek out a book or movie that’s the opposite of what you are working on, and see how that helps get your creative juices flowing for your projects

Final Thoughts

  • Dorien: Be sure your goals are your own
  • Jamie: Set big goals. And understand the small parts that you need to work on to reach your big goals … and do them!
  • Joey: Remember, worry is like a rocking chair; it gives you something to do but it gets you nowhere!


What are your wins so far this year? What are your personal and professional goals for the rest of 2024? Please share in the comments.

Next Week

Next week we are talking about reconnecting with Jack Gelley, Judy Herman, and Robbie Samuels. Join us on Monday, July 8, at 4pm PT, for #GoalChatLive.

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For more inspiration, motivation, and tips, follow @TheDEBMethod on YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram. And connect on LinkedIn.

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