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Artificial Intelligence with Hank Eder, Seth Goldstein & Brynne Tillman

Artificial Intelligence: it can be a helpful tool when trained properly and used correctly. This week on GoalChat, I was joined by Hank Eder, PR/Marketing Specialist and Host of The Home Business Success Show; Seth Goldstein, Creative Director and Host of Entrepreneur’s Enigma; and Brynne Tillman, CEO of Social Sales Link and Host of Making Sales Social Podcast to dive into all things AI.

The trio shared the genesis of their interest in AI, along with cautionary tales and ways to use AI to enhance your content activities. We also had some fun sci fi tangents.

What is Artificial Intelligence?

  • Brynne: AI is a system that learns from the input; it is different from automation
  • Seth: It’s a starter system for creating content
  • Hank: It’s a big language learning tool

Artificial Intelligence Tools

  • Chat GPT
  • Gemini (formerly Bard); it’s the Google version
  • Claude by Anthropic
  • Perplexity

Artificial Intelligence #GoalChatLive

Tips for Using AI in Business

  • Brynne: Create custom instructions
  • Brynne: Train it using your own 3-5 minute transcript and ask it to rewrite it
  • Seth: Use it as a jumping off point
  • Seth: Also use it for graphics (MidJourney)
  • Hank: Use it for research; be sure to verify info and edit the content accordingly
  • Brynne: If you use AI for intellectual property or data you do not want out there, change your settings; for instance, turn off memory and turn off improve model for everyone


  • Seth: Go to ChatGPT 4o and play with it
  • Hank: Sign up for Gemini and ask it to write a nice letter to someone (a friend or coworker)
  • Brynne: Become a prompt engineer. Learn how to write your own prompts: Context, Role, Inspiration, Scope & Prohibitions
  • Brynne: Try, an extension for storing prompts


What are your thoughts on AI? How do you use AI for your business? Please share in the comments.

Next Week

We are talking about Change with Joseph Jaffe, AJ Lauer, and Regina Roberti. Join us on Monday, May 20, at 4pm PT, for #GoalChatLive.

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For more inspiration, motivation, and tips, follow @TheDEBMethod on YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram. And connect on LinkedIn.

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