On DEBcember 1st I was joined by some awesome friends for a #Start2021Now Virtual Holiday Party. What a way to kick off the new New Year!
When I was planning this virtual party, I kept wondering: How do you have a party in the cyberworld and make it feel like an actual one? What would I normally do? Well, I would invite friends from the different facets of my life and see how they got along. Wow! What an amazing combination it turned out to be!
My guests for the #Start2021Now Facebook live:
- Screenwriter Aadip Desai
- Community Builder Keith Spiro
- Author Bridgitte Jackson-Buckley
- Social Media Strategist Dorien Morin-van Dam
The party kicked off with intros. Plus, each guest explained what they would bring to an actual potluck. Everyone also shared a bit about themselves to help the others learn more about them. The conversation evolved from there in the most amazing and natural way.
Watch the #Start2021Now Virtual New Years Party
Every day in December, I will post a #NewYearNewYou #Tip on @TheDEBMethod social media accounts. Today, you get four!!!
Here are tips from our Virtual New Years Party Guests to #Start2021Now
- Aadip’s tip: Be yourself all the time
- Keith’s tip: Pay attention to flexibility and balance
- Bridgitte’s tip: Get very clear on your why
- Dorien’s tip: Just get started!
Need more ways to make the most out of an early start to the new year?
Be sure to read Keith’s article on #Start2021Now.
Visit Bridgitte Jackson-Buckley’s Little Visioneers Bookshop.
Grab your copy of Your Goal Guide and then join the Your Goal Guide Facebook group.
What’s your tip to make the most out of 2021? Please let us know in the comments.
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For more #NewYearNewYou tips, follow @TheDEBMethod on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. And connect on LinkedIn.