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Watch #GoalChat Live: Mondays at 4pm PT on the Mango Publishing Facebook page

Join the Write On Online Facebook group for writers, creatives, and entrepreneurs for goal-setting, accountability, and community. There’s also a Write On Online Facebook page.

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    ☎  Call me at 310-908-8980









    Dennis WIlen

    Deb Eckerling wins the award for cheerleader of the decade!

    Amy MuscoplatCreative Facilitator &

    Dennis WIlenI’ve worked with Debra at print and online publications for over a dozen years. And as a professional editor (and writer, and producer, and editor) I am skeptical of self-proclaimed “experts” — especially those offering advice about creative endeavors — but Deb’s insights have helped me immensely. She knows what works.

    Her book Write On Blogging: 51 Tips to Create, Write & Promote Your Blog could only have been written by someone who has been there and done that.

    Deb’s book, her Twitter chats, and her newsletter have changed the way I approach my writing, music, and video projects, and I’m better at my work because of it.

    She has become a treasured advisor and a personal role model. Thanks, Deb.

    Dennis WilenLos Angeles

    When I set my sights on being a serious writer with attention-deficit, I had trouble focusing and felt overwhelmed. I found Deb’s Facebook page, Write On! Online and began following her posts and podcasts. Every Sunday she’d tell us to post our weekly goals, then at the end of the week, did we meet them? If not, why? Deb has a positive, enthusiastic, infectious energy that has made a difference for me as a new writer. By following her posts and listening to her podcasts, I’ve developed the self-discipline to stay on task, complete them, and remain focused. She helped me break down the novel writing process into bite-sized pieces that moved me forward each day, no matter how small the task. I’m now revising two novels that will be published within the year. If you want to be a published author, Debra Eckerling will get you there!

    Lois SimensonWriterEagle River, Alaska