Books … they grow up so fast. On Tuesday, Your Goal Guide celebrates it’s half birthday, so of course, I’m throwing a Virtual Half-Birthday Party.
Join us for ice breakers, a virtual scavenger hunt, and more. Don’t forget to grab your party favor! You do have to bring your own cake …
To celebrate July as the new January this week, we have:
– Sunday’s #GoalChat is a Summer Party on Twitter. We start at 7pm PT.
– Monday’s #GoalChatLive – at 4pm PT on the Mango Publishing Facebook Page – has guest Pilar Alessandra. We will focus on Creativity
– Tuesday morning, join me and Jeff Pulver for a #140conf West Coast Networking Breakfast on Zoom
– Tuesday at 12pm PT is the Virtual Half-Birthday Party for Your Goal Guide
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About Your Goal Guide:
One of the biggest reasons goals fail is that we often don’t put enough thought into what we really want before diving in. Your Goal Guide: A Roadmap for Setting, Planning, and Achieving Your Goals, from Mango Publishing, starts with that first, crucial step: figuring out your goals and putting a plan in place.
Part 1 of the book goes through the D*E*B METHOD®: Determine Your Mission, Explore Your Options, Brainstorm Your Path, Part 2 of Your Goal Guide is filled with strategies for success, and Part 3 has a variety of websites and communities to support readers on their journey.
Goals can be intimidating because of the pressure we often put on ourselves to succeed. Your Goal Guide features a process for making and setting goals that is stress-free, easy-to-manage, and even fun. Your Goal Guide is the roadmap everyone needs as they make new plans for the rest of 2020.
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Your Goal Guide 5-Star Reviews
Debra Eckerling’s Your Goal Guide is the best friend, cheerleader, no nonsense, get it done book you need now. As a long-time procrastinator often lost in decision-making land, I found this easy-to-read, fun guide with its helpful worksheets quite useful. I moved through a block and began a path of action by following her direct, simple instructions. She addresses business goals and personal goals side-by-side and I appreciate how she makes both of them equally important. Thank you for this fabulous book!
I love how Debra’s book gives you action steps rather than just information. The book coaches you through the process of getting clarity on your goals and putting a plan in writing. She talks in a way that is extremely relatable and easy to follow. Would recommend!
Your Goal Guide provides a realistic, doable road map for jump-starting and achieving your aims. Go all in, or just commit to an hour or so a week – Debra Eckerling’s engaging style will indeed effectively guide you. Must-read!
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For more information on Your Goal Guide or to book me for an interview, check out my media page or contact thedebmethod@gmail.com.