One of my favorite productivity tools is the Instant Pot. It’s a pressure cooker and so much more. You can prepare soup, stew, entrees, and side dishes. Plus, you can also bake cakes, make yogurt, steam vegetables, etc. The options are endless.
It’s like magic. You put in ingredients, hit the start button, and it does the work for you! The best part is: Once you set your Instant Pot to cook, you can do other things while your food is cooking. Plus, if you’re involved in your work, it has a keep-warm function.
I’ll admit. I was never much of a cook until I got my Instant Pot. But now I use it several times a week. I make lots of soup (chicken soup, veggie broth, onion soup), but also things like chili, mac and cheese, meatloaf, and hard-boiled eggs.
So, are you wondering what you can do in the time it takes for your IP to come to pressure and cook your food? The answer: Plenty.
Here are 10 things you can do while your Instant Pot is hard at work:
- Write a todo list
- Send some emails
- Write a blog post
- Plan a pitch
- Draft an outline
- Rewrite your bio
- Explore LinkedIn
- Learn something
- Phone a friend or colleague
- Spend time journaling
Stop standing over the hot stove. Let your food cook itself and spend that bonus-time working toward your goals.
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What do you do while waiting for your Instant Pot to cook your food? What’s your favorite recipe?