I met author Sean McLachlan in April when we were on a panel together at the Online Writers Conference. When it came time to talk Productivity, I reached out to Sean, who is author of 30 books, including Writing Secrets of the World’s Most Prolific Authors, writes in a variety of genres – including ghost writing, creates videos, AND keeps a running word-tally on his website.
Between Monday’s #GoalChatLive and Sunday night’s #GoalChat, there are plenty of tips for becoming and staying productive.
- Find bits of time
- Make progress every day
- Keep todos lists … you can also add things that you accomplished, jst to check them off
- Track progress and celebrate wins
- And more
Read the Twitter Moments Recap.
Watch the video:
Check out our session on Mindset and Pre-Writing from the Online Writers Conference.
Bonus Goal: Write a page, write a blog post, complete a simple task. Time it. It will show you how much you can accomplish in just a little bit of time.
What are your best tips for productivity? Commend below or on the video.
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Next week’s #GoalChat topic is June Goals. Join the Twitter chat on Sunday, May 31, at 7pm PT on Twitter. Then, on Monday, June 1, at 4pm PT fellow Mango author G. Brian Benson will be joining me on Facebook Live.