Two great conversations on Video this week. First, the #GoalChat Twitter chat on Sunday night with the community. Then, my friend Steve Dotto of Dotto Tech joined me for #GoalChat Live on Monday. Steve had a lot of great tips, from concept to equipment. However, my favorite takeaway was his emphasis on intent. Create your content with purpose. Decide what you are posting, where you are posting, and the purpose behind what you create for each platform.
Watch the video:
Read the Twitter Moments Recap.
My best tip for Video: Just do it! Use whatever technology, equipment, and apps are easiest for you … so you will actually create them! Phone, computer – Facebook Live or Zoom – computer and phone apps. Stop stopping yourself. Just remember Steve’s magic word: Intent.
What are your favorite best for video? Commend below or on the video.
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Next week’s #GoalChat topic is May Goals. Join me on Sunday, May 3, at 7pm PT on Twitter to share wins and set goals. Then, on Monday, May 4, at 4pm PT on Facebook Live Desiree Duffy, founder of LABookfest, will be joining me. I hope you do too.